Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Why Travel?

There are so many reasons to travel, and they each have their time and place.


Exploration- both of self and of the world.




The list can go on and on, and it's different for each person and each trip.

For me, at this point in my life, I want to travel to explore and learn about other cultures, cuisines, but also about myself.  As a 31 year old female, I've discovered that I have a lot to learn about myself, and that the best revelations take place when I'm not in my usual routine.

This past year or so has been both challenging and rewarding at various times- losing weight, going through an emotional divorce, gaining it all back, putting myself back out there, meeting new people, new relationships, succeeding on my own, finding financial stability (which was a HUGE worry and source of anxiety for me in the divorce).  I have a hard time spending money on myself, so I set up a savings account to be used solely for me!  Vacations, splurges, whatever I decide on.  I put in a little each week, but let me tell you, it adds up fast!  I never thought I had the money for a vacation.  I was WRONG!

My first trip was important.  I needed it to be a success so that I could prove to myself that I can actually do this.  I can save the money for a great trip.  I can book planes and rent places to stay.  I can plan things to do that will make me feel fulfilled without feeling too busy.  I can enjoy myself and not stress about everything.

My first trip also needed to be on the easy side.  I decided that Puerto Rico was the place to go!  No passport needed, airfare was inexpensive, I can get away without being able to speak much Spanish.  So, I took the plunge, booked my plane tickets this past winter, and began planning!

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