Saturday, May 7, 2016

El Yunque

We left San Juan, rented a car, and headed to the rainforest for the day.  El Yunque is the only tropical rain forest in the US National Forest System.
Word of caution:  If you frequently experience motion sickness, take something before you head to El Yunque.  The way it works is that you drive along a very long road with lots of twists, turns, hills, and potholes, and pull off at various parking areas to see the different areas and take the various hikes.  
My lovely partner-in-crime almost got carsick, thankfully Dramamine kicked in and we were able to continue our trek!  At the beginning when you drive in, there's a visitors center.  It's nice to stop in, but most importantly, talk to whomever is there at the front desk.  They'll explain how it works and give you a very helpful map.  We helped a few people along the way who were about to make a mistake that would cost them many miles and hours to straighten out.  Will explain later below...
The first stop was the Yohaku Tower.  After climbing almost 100 steps to the top of the tower (not too many, but all in a spiral, hello dizziness!), you have amazing views of the rainforest.  
After that, we headed to a few more different spots.  There's another tower way at the top of the rainforest, but it's a very long uphill hike there, and we were convinced we would die if we attempted it, so we gave it a pass for this trip.  Maybe one day, but that day is not in 2016....
One of my missions was to get photos of the coqui, the small singing frogs of Puerto Rico!  We didn't get any actual sightings of a real coqui, but their images abound the island!  I also got a really cute book for my school as well as a plush coqui that sings!  It really is awesome when all you hear is the call of the coqui.
We did decide to make the hike to La Mina falls.  Now, there are 2 different trails that lead there (as we were warned by the man at the visitor center).  One is steeper but more scenic, the other is an easier walk but less fancified.  Due to my knee not being happy, we opted for the one that would get me there without having my knee cap pop out of my body and quit on me.  WARNING!!!  Do not take one trail there and decide to take the other one back!  We were warned about this, because the parking areas are very far apart (not to mention far apart elevation-wise as well).  While we were at the falls, we overheard a couple talking about how they were going to just keep going up the other trail to go back.  Melissa, being awesome, stopped them and convinced them that that would be a bad idea.  
The hike felt really long, not too strenuous, but it was hot and hilly.  I was determined to make it there and go in the water.  We succeeded!!!  I really wanted to go under the actual falls for an emotional cleanse of sorts, but once I got in the water, I realized how slippery the rocks were.  I decided that I made it far enough, and didn't feel like having to be airlifted out of there because I fell on my knee.  So, here's a picture of me in the water with the falls behind me!
I consider it to be a success!!!  That rounded out our day at El Yunque.  From there, we headed to Rincon...

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